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  • Steve Young 7:15 AM on January 22, 2019 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Arlington, Burleson, commercial, , home ownership, leasing, , residential, selling my home, stevesellsdfw, SteveYoung   

    Some “Extra Costs” of Home Ownership… 

    Contact Steve Young with RE/MAX for more information on all your Real Estate needs. Residential & Commercial sales, leasing and property management.

  • Steve Young 10:46 AM on September 2, 2013 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: stevesellsdfw, ,   

    What you decide to line up with does matter, not just for you but your family! 

    Deuteronomy 30, verses 15 & 19 talks about the choice set before us each and every day. So what does God say about this? Look at the last part of verse 19, He very clearly states to choose life! Jesus states in John 10:10 that the thief has come to kill, steal and destroy, but Jesus says I have come that you may have life, and that more abundantly!  Again in Jeremiah 21:8 the word states that the way of life and death are put before us. 

    I started with these Scriptures because they go along with a statement I saw the other day, you will either line up with the Divine order or the new world order. I would also add that you will make the choice to be politically correct or be correct according to God’s Word. On the one hand aligning ourselves with God’s correctness leads to Life but aligning ourselves with the world and it’s wrong way leads to death.

    Galatians 6:7,8 states Be not deceived, God is not mocked, whatever a man sows that is what he will reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. We will either follow the world as a lamb to the slaughter or we will be the lambs of God’s pasture and follow the Lamb of God to LIFE, for He is the Way, the Truth and the LIFE.  The Word gives us good instruction regarding these things in 1st John Chapter 2 as well. Along the lines of sheep for the slaughter it’s interesting that the Word says that is what the world and those that love the world think about us, that we are considered just sheep for the slaughter. See Psalm 44:22 and Romans 8:36.

    Let’s face it, the gravitational pull of the world and sin is very very strong and without Jesus we can not overcome this. But let us be of good cheer! Jesus stated in John 16:33 that He HAS overcome the world and in 1 John 4:4 the greater One is in us, far greater than the one in and of the world. And, since He is the author and pioneer of our faith and Salvation we have a Faithful and Victorious High Priest that we can and must follow! He HAS overcome! 

    I heard John Tolson speaking at a men’s Bible meeting sometime back regarding becoming a man of significance. Our happiness, joy, well being, etc is ALL based on our relationship with God. If this relationship is not right ALL the other relationships won’t be, including our relationship with ourselves. We are out of alignment, not directly on the mark made by God’s plumb line; see Amos7:7,8. Also Is 34:11 & Zech 4:10. Trust me, I’ve been there, out of that “perfect alignment” that he wants us in more than just a few times, not proud of it but thankful to the Merciful, patient and Faithful God that through Jesus forgives! And again I can boldly say it feels so much better to line up with God than the world!

    I would invite you to search the Scriptures for more words of Life and share them with others. In the letters to the Churches Jesus ends each with “he who overcomes” and the promises that being an overcomer and making the “correct choices” will present to those that believe. He even tells how we overcome…by the blood of the Lamb and the Word of our testimony! Glory to the Lamb of God! 


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